Lock in prices ahead of time

Hedge against price direction on underlying assets in index & commodity sectors on MT4 & MT5 from ANY device.


Spot potential in future price movements

Trade index & commodity futures without owning the physical asset - on MT4 with fast execution & tight spreads.


Leverage up to 1:200

Increase your trading position with our deep liquidity pool & top tier leverage.

Predict opportunities

Predict opportunities

Hedge against crop-affecting conditions in the world around you by predicting prices.

Flat transaction fee

Low costs

No sign up fees, low-to-zero commission and tight spreads from 0.0 pips*.


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Frequently asked questions

What are CFD futures & how do I trade them?

Trade future CFDs to speculate or hedge on the price direction of a security, a commodity or other financial instruments. By purchasing a futures contract, parties agree to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future - regardless of the current market price at the expiration date.

Especially in commodities, this allows traders to hedge against external conditions (like weather) that can impact crops. This means a farmer can set coffee prices upfront in case market prices fall at harvest time - and the buyer could lock in prices in case they soar when crops are delivered.

Arguably the most popular tool for reducing risk, stop loss orders are designed to limit loss on a security position that’s made an unfavourable move. When you place a stop loss order with a broker, you’re requesting to close the position once the instrument reaches a certain price. This is helpful as it means your trades need less monitoring and can help to limit losses, particularly in volatile markets.

Please also note that a stop loss is by no means a guarantee, positions may be affected by price gaps over market closures, data release or other economic factors.

We offer MetaTrader 4 (or ‘MT4’) access which allows traders to access financial markets on mobile, tablet and laptop - so you can trade from the office, a taxi or even your own breakfast table. MT4 is the world’s most popular trading platform - it offers customisable charts, flexible strategies, and a unique dashboard with Expert Advisor tools that allow you to test your strategies or/and enable automated trading.

Discover MT4

To see all available products, right click ‘Market Watch’ and select ‘Show all’.

Apply for an account by submitting your contact details, personal information (with proof of address), bank statement & trading experience. Once the application is complete & all appropriateness checks are valid, we’ll email you access codes to our client portal. Upon opening the portal with your unique details, you’ll be able to make your first deposit via secure transfer along with your proof of account.

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